
Adoptable Program:

taraTara is an incredible dog wishing with all her heart that someone would stop and notice her.

We first met Tara when she started attending our group classes while housed at the shelter’s Town Lake location.  She was a regular on the trail and in the play buddy pairs and had a happy, outgoing, eager to please persona wrapped in a cute, chocolate colored package.

Tara did so well at class that we stepped up the challenge and started training her for Canine Good Citizenship.  She was doing amazingly well and was a joy to spend time with.  Still, the days ticked by and her time at the shelter moved into the triple digits.  She’s now at over 200 days without a home or a person of her own.

Still, even at such an excessive length of stay, Tara had kept her sunny personality in tact and was thriving as much as a dog can in the shelter.  Then she had a bad reaction to cleaning chemicals and was sent to medical isolation.  Since her discharge, she hasn’t been moved back to TLAC where she’s able to do her regular trail and play buddy outings.  Recently, we’ve noticed a sadness in her eyes that’s never been there before.

tara ballTara’s story is the story of many shelter dogs.  Great dogs without a dramatic enough tale to tell to get them noticed.  Tara is a GREAT dog.  She’d be a perfect running buddy, a fantastic training partner, and an all around wonderful best friend.  She just needs you to notice her.